quarta-feira, 22 de julho de 2015

Things in life: o sonho de Rafaello/the dream of Akinosuke

    [Dennis Brown - things in life]

Acordei essa manhã bem cedo... e continuei com sono. Continuei dormindo e tive um sonho: sonhei que me olhava no espelho e que havia algo entre meus dentes (achei que estivesse sujo). Aí tentei tirar e... quando vejo é uma borboleta. Me esforço e esforço para tirá-la da minha boca mas ela lá fica. Até que, surpreso, a deixo de lado e a observo.

Acordei logo na sequência pensando sobre o assunto e procurando desesperadamente no google oque um sonho do tipo poderia significar. Na grande maioria dos sites diz que borboletas são associadas a momentos de transição... me lembrei do personagem de cem anos de solidão que, pra onde quer que fosse, um bando de borboletas ficam ao seu redor (pro ódio de quem ia ao cinema com ele por perto rsrs). O mais interessante talvez tenha sido esse texto 

The Dream of Akinosuke tells of Akinosuke, a gōshi (yeoman or land-holding farmer) living in feudal Japan. Akinosuke often takes a nap under a great cedar tree in his garden. One day, Akinosuke is sitting under this tree, eating and chatting with friends, when he suddenly becomes very tired, and falls asleep.

Upon waking, he finds himself still under the tree, but his friends have gone. Coming toward him, Akinosuke sees a great royal procession, full of richly dressed attendants. The procession approaches him, and informs him that the King of Tokoyo (a dream world that Hearn compares to Horai) requests his presence at his court. Akinosuke agrees to accompany the procession, and when he arrives at the palace, he is invited before the King. To his astonishment, the King offers Akinosuke his daughter in marriage, and the two are wed immediately.
A few days later, the King tells Akinosuke that he is being sent to be the governor of an island province. Together with his beautiful wife, Akinosuke goes to the island, and rules it for many years. The island is idyllic, with bountiful crops and no crime, and Akinosuke's wife bears him seven children.
However, one day, without warning, Akinosuke's wife becomes ill and dies. The grieving Akinosuke goes to great trouble to hold a proper funeral, and he erects a large monument in his wife's memory. After some time, a message arrives from the King, saying that Akinosuke will be sent back to where he came from, and telling him not to worry about his children, as they will be well cared for. As Akinosuke sails away from the island, it suddenly disappears, and he is shocked to find himself sitting under the cedar tree, his friends still chatting as if nothing has happened.
Akinosuke recounts his dream. One of his friends tells him that he was only asleep for a few moments, but while he was asleep, something strange happened: a yellow butterfly seemed to come from Akinosuke's mouth. The butterfly was grabbed by an ant and taken under the cedar tree. Just before Akinosuke awoke, the butterfly reappeared from under the tree. His friends wonder if the butterfly could have been Akinosuke's soul, and the group decides to investigate. Under the cedar tree, they find a great kingdom of ants, which Akinosuke realizes was the kingdom he visited in his dream. Looking for his island home, he finds a separate nest, and investigating further, he finds a small stone that resembles a burial monument. Digging beneath it, he finds a small female ant buried in a clay coffin.

Só pra constar: minha borboleta não era amarela, mas sim  laranja com detalhes pretos (talvez seja uma reminiscência de uma camiseta do Jimi Hendrix que eu tenho e usei há alguns dias atrás)... enfim, se alguém tiver algum insight ou comentário...

[ninguém parece entrar nesse blog há tempos... então eu deixo como um post pra mim mesmo rsrs]
[Em todo caso, eu continuo intrigado]

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