sábado, 25 de julho de 2015

Carnivoris danishiusmanholeous

Carnivoris danishiusmanholeous: discovered in the early XXI century by the Brazilian explorer Raffaello Monterius (1984- ), this fine specimen was first found hidden in the asphalt of a calm Copenhagen street (Denmark) while it tried to bite defenseless tourists in the surrounds of the Danish Royal family castle. According to specialists in urban jungle fauna/flora of the University of Danish Columbia, there were strong evidences that the plant/animal was running away from the Royal family garden across the street; the spokesman of the king and queen vehemently denied all the assertions of this kind. Later on, the king himself contested the discovery while other members of the Amalienbourg palace supported the theory that Raffaello had brought the animal from Brazil; the explorer was never found to confirm these assertions.

[Meu primeiro "graffiti"]
[Feito durante visita a Copenhagen no começo de Julho de 2015, perto do palácio de Amalienborg]
[Fiz morrendo de medo de ser pego pela guarda do palácio]
Não ficou tão bom quanto eu gostaria. O bueiro original foi avistado durante um passeio de bicicleta, o quel eu tive que interrromper pra tirar uma foto desse monstro que havia avistado =) ]
[Sinto-me feliz de ter sobrevivido para relatar a história a vocês, leitores ]

[O bueiro original tinha alguns remendos de asfalto ao redor. Na hora 
avistei oque era o tão misterioso bixo/planta (foto abaixo)]

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