sexta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2020

Vice-Lord of the flies

 It was on a weekday. Mike was feeling dizzy. Could it be corona virus? Possible... "-The president has got it, so what if...". He shrugged it off. 

He got up, went to the toilet, and by the time he went out his wife was up. 

"Ohh my Jesus! Mike, you became a fly!!", she said.

Immediately, she started crying, saying that it could not be any other thing than a democratic plague. "-Those monsters!! They killed my husband." Mike, struck by the scene, flew to his wife and sat by her nose. 

She slapped him... but apologized:

"-I'm sorry, husband... I haven't got used to you ..yet.. My faith will keep our love strong", she said, looking to her own shoes.

He didn't bother: he had been faster than her, and was not hurt. 

"-Bu..but, babe", she said, "I'm worried... how are you going to the debate tonight?"

He pondered... flew around a bit, sat on some disgusting things, but... at night there he went... and indeed, nobody noticed a damn thing.

... except for a few strange things that people in the audience couldn't avoid seeing

All the newspapers the next morning talked about that, amused: 

"- What was that little dandelion stuck on this eyebrow??! It was there for more than 2 minutes and he didn't notice", said a Republican supporter.

-"First, his words were sounding strange and noisy... I couldn't understand him sometimes... ", said a Democrat that was in the debate's audience.

Already in the car with his wife, heading home, he said: "-You see? I told you, nobody noticed a thing... american people can't see beyond their own navels".

Full of happiness, he flew towards his wife's face, inteding to kiss her (or whatever a fly things kissing is). 

He was, however, surprised with another slap.

This time, he flew out of the window.

He fell dead on the highway's floor.

[Lembrei de Kafka ao ouvir sobre o último debate de vice-presidentes nos EUA.]

[Veja Nytimes , ou este video]

[ps: aliás, não custa dizer que Lord of the flies é um livro incrível, recomendadíssimo pelo board of directors do blog Matemáticos Marcovaldos :P]

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